Catching up with Jotta A
Writing about Jotta A is quite interesting and inspiring along the way. The whole processing of tracking his Ministry and trying to keep up is a blessing because it comes along with listening to his beautiful anointing music and praising & worshiping all the time. His Angelic voice still makes one slip into prayer moments.
The young man born to inspire and make a difference in the world at a time like this, when many youths are rebelling. His Anointing and Worshiping music from album Essencia continues to be contagiously transforming and his New Generation Music is breathtaking and ministers to millions of people, especially young people (Album: Geração de Jesus). No longer a little boy that sang “Agnus Dey” that received over 14 million views at the time of writing and even more estimated at 50 million on different channels on the internet and mostly YouTube, stirring the Christian and non-Christian community globally, Jotta A (Joseph Antonio), now 16 years old, remains committed and immersed in the work of the Lord. Many turn away, face temptations in the world full of wealth, gadgets, women, and things that tempt a young mind to go of course, but this anointed young man chooses to remain the Christ. Not immune to temptation and all that comes along with it of course, but fights against all odds to make it on slippery grounds. Being a youth, there are several things that hinder destinations and calls the choice is up to an individual to focus and not lose direction, focusing on the call. Jotta A is a young Christian Soldier who focuses on winning in battles that Youth go through and this can only be achieved by remaining in Christ so that when one falls, they never remain on the ground. In a World where many singers have changed path and taken other routes to fulfill worldly living desires, many pray that the young man remains in the Lord.

In every Celebrity or famous person there is always the press, the rumors, jealous people, and anti-supporters behind working so hard at what their titles suggest. With social networks, blogs and all the 21st century methods that allow people to interact and agree or disagree and recruit followers alike, rumors can tarnish victim’s images and characters and at times lead to destruction, psychologically, physically and emotionally, but it is amazing that at such a young age and right from the beginning, Jotta A has been able to handle all the pressure and the effects caused by all the above, without wavering from God. Just how strong can one be?, well it all goes back to the power of the Holy Spirit and faith in Christ. Not that we have one young man who is immune to sin or perfect, but that we have one young man who thrives not to lose focus of his Calling and destiny and keeps maintaining balance so he does not fall and remain on the ground.
Social Life:

People’s reaction, especially fellow believers sometimes end up idolizing him and see him as a special person who should be without sin whatsoever, and so scan him to see any defects. These defects would probably force them to waiver from their faiths and lose focus on loving and following Jesus Christ, as they focus on who Jotta A dates, what he wears, and every single word that comes out of his mouth. Jotta A remains a very good unique role model who bears fruits in what his good works for the Lord. Jotta is always surrounded by his family who encourage him, support him and are believers.
There has been several comments again and critics on his new voice. I am yet to see a male voice that does not break at a certain point in life either when they reach puberty or sometime later along the way. Jotta A is no different. His voice, though some would have expected him to remain with the voice the know that made him famous when he sang "Agnus Dey", has matured into a beautiful adult voice that still reaches out to the listeners and conveys the message through singing.

Ministry Update
Jotta A’ Ministry, Jotta is travelling around South America Ministering the Word of God and has been to Africa and Europe and other Countries and still has more to travel to.
Jotta A balances education and singing. He has mostly tweeted he is in school and sometimes gets requested to sing in class! Lucky classmates!, what a blessing, they get to hear that angelic voice live and close-by. Jotta is friendly and a down to earth and respectful person always smiling and loving.
Related: BOOK

he is introducing gospel music to a whole new generation that would otherwise
ReplyDeletenever have known the pure peace and rest singing to the grace of Christ can bring. He does it with grace and stile all his own, with his unparaleld voice
that brings men to tears! As Elvis Presley once said you cant cheat singing gospel.It seperates out the good to the best in vocal talent! Jotta has it! Thank you Jesus , thank you! Rand N. Californa USA...
Well said. I believe so too. He's been so strong in all critics considering his age. God is with him and he's still on it.